About Us & Photos
Owners: Cindy C. Smith & W. Leland Smith
Business: The Right Steps - Florence, Montana
Lead Trainer & Certified NACSW Nose Work Instructor: Cindy C. Smith, CNWI
40+ Years of Experience Training Animals / Owner of The Right Steps since January 2004 / Before The Right Steps was Cindy C. Smith Horse & Dog Training
We have a Private Indoor Insulated and Heated Training Facility in Florence, Montana with easy access for the Bitterroot Valley Puppy and Dog Owners! We offer Small Private Group Classes & Private Training one on one.
More Photos Available: Would you like to see more photos of us and our animals - present and past? Yes? Please scroll towards the bottom of this page to see our photos under our Bio....then just keep scrolling! We love our Best Friends and photos!
Member of:
Business Face Book Page: https://www.facebook.com/K9NWCNWI/
The Right Steps New Blog: https://therightsteps.net/k9-nose-work/
Back on Thursday, February 17th, 2011 we were recorded live on FOX40 Live with Bethany Crouch for 2 part segments: Part 1 of 2 & Part 2 of 2. We hope you enjoy! It was a lot of fun!
Videos of Cindy & Dogs Working/Having Fun: Please see us on our YouTube (Business = The Right Steps / Personal = Cindy C. Smith) & on our Business Face Book Time Line.
Testimonials: http://www.therightsteps.com/testimonials.html
CRC Photo Album of Thank You Notes 2012-through-2017: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vbOk7BHUNcGzJS8p2
Prior Location/On Site was: Pet Supplies & Fittings offered by appointment - Inventory varies. Pesonal Pet Shopper Service available for specialized items.
Prior Authorized Dealer: Fit Paws Equipment
Training Methods Offered: R+, Positive Reinforcement Training Methods, Force Free, Clicker Training, Reward Based Training, and Behavior Modification. Training is based on science, not pain, force, dominance, or fear. Positive solutions are used in solving problem behavior issues.
Training Philosophy: POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT- REWARDS WILL BE USED (TREATS, YUMMY FOOD, TOYS, LOVIES, PLAY, GAMES - WHAT MOTIVATES EACH ANIMAL TO SUCCEED AND HAVE FUN TRAINING)! To provide safe and fun training and socialization for puppies/dogs and their human family, in order to create a lasting quality bond and good citizen whether home or in public. We strive to assist our Clients to train ultimately a confident, socialized, and well trained/behaved dog that is a true joy to be around.
Training is based on science, not pain, force, dominance, or fear. No Corrections and/or Harsh Punishment. There is no herking, jerking, hanging, or hitting of puppies/dogs in our Classes/Training or in Private Training!
Humane Equipment Only: We only use humane equipment (no use of training tools like shock collars, pinch/prong collars/harnesses, or choke chains).
We know training takes time and focus, there are no quick magic fixes or guarantees. Ethical trainers do not give guarantees. Each animal is a live being, training and behavior modification takes time and training.
What Do We mean by "A Well Behaved Dog": You may ask what we mean by "A Well Behaved Dog"? We envision a well behaved dog to be a confident, socialized, well trained dog that is a joy for you, your family, and friends to be around. A best friend that you can take places and have fun with whether going out for a walk, taking over to a friends house for a barbecue, participating/competing in dog sports, or just hanging out around the house. Or if you do not have that confident social dog, that we make the best world possible, within the limits of your dog's means, to be a happier less stressed dog and in turn family.
Goal: Training which is both educational and fun for puppies, dogs, and their family. Assisting our Clients in creating lasting quality and enjoyable bonds and relationships with their puppies and dogs. We love to see animals to remain happily in their homes from Puppyhood long into their Senior years!
Support the safety and well-being of animals in their home: Health - Regular Veterinarian Care and Annual Exams, Proper Nutrition/Diet, Daily Exercise and Mental Stimulation, Safe Management, Socialization, and Training are all priorities. Domestic Animals (Cats/Dogs) live inside your home with you as part of your Family daily (not banished to the back yard/outside).
The Trainer: Cindy has loved animals her entire life and at a very young age made training animals her lifelong goal. She always seemed to have a natural ability to understand and communicate with animals. Her Husband calls her the "Pied Piper of Animals" as "everywhere she goes they follow her". Animals seem naturally drawn to her personality, true love of animals, and her voice. Her Human Clients are also drawn to her easy going and fun, yet intense and straight forward approach to communication and training.
Memberships/Titles: Cindy and The Right Steps are a Professional A.P.D.T. (Association of Pet Dog Trainer's) Member, The Pet Professional Guild Full Dog Training Member, and agree to the Dog Tec's Business Code of Ethics. Cindy officially became a CNWI (Certified Nose Work Instructor) as of February 1st, 2012 (the first CNWI in our area this far north of the Davis/Dixon Area, at that time) and continues on going continued education with the N.A.C.S.W. (National Association of Canine Scent Work)! Cindy has showed/competed with horses for many years (western - halter, western pleasure, reining, horsemanship, and trail). So far to date, she has 2 dogs to date with Canine Good Citizen Titles, as well as 2 dogs both with AKC Agility Titles, 4 dogs with K9 Nose Work Titles with the NASCW (National Association of Canine Scent Work), and 1 Registered Pet Therapy Dog. Also our dogs have been exposed to herding to gage their herding instinct at an early age.
Personality/Training Style: Wondering what to expect with Cindy? Cindy is professional, intense, straight forward and no-nonsense; yet on the flip side fun, has sense of humor, and enjoyable to have as your Instructor. She very works hard to keep lessons and classes fun and safe for puppies/dogs, kittens/cats, and their handlers. Cindy is very focused and keeps her Classes and/or Private Training Sessions structured. She takes Clients homework and training seriously whether Privates or Classes. Training is a nice balance of fun with great structure, simply the best of both worlds. Her goal as always is to set animals up for success, something she takes to heart and believes in. Group Classes are structured with goals to focus on each week.
We invite you to call or e-mail to make an appointment to come watch a class before signing up. We want you to want and be excited to train with us! You have one trainer = Cindy C. Smith, CNWI - Small class sizes to allow for a more personal touch feel. Private Training is one on one with Cindy.
Are you ready to take training seriously, yet have fun while training? Are you excited to jump in with both feet into the world of positive dog/cat training, with an open mind? Yes! Then we are the Trainer for you!
Follow Up/Homework: Do you like to read? In between Group Classes and/or Private Sessions you receive homework and/or additional reading assignments, as well as product ideas to help you with your training, as applicable, via e-mail. Utilized these tools are very beneficial to compliment your training program! We also provide great reading articles both on our website, our Business Face Book Page , and our newly created Blog for The Right Steps.
Guest Speaker: 2012 -thru- 2020, we have proudly been a guest speaker, multiple times, at 2 local colleges, at their Classes for Veterinarian Technicians, and have been invited back ongoing. We speak on dog/cat behavior, body language, safe handling, positive reinforcement, clicker training, and dog training - lectures include live dog demos with our own Dogs and their Colony Dogs. Working with Vet. Techs on the Basics of Dog Training, Loose Leash Walking, Focus, and Clicker Work Training with their Colony Dogs. CRC Photo Album of Thank You Notes 2012-through-2018: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vbOk7BHUNcGzJS8p2 (Only missed 2020 due to COVID-19 Closures)
Supporting the Local Animal Community: Evaluator for NESR (National English Shepherd Rescue) when needed locally. We also enjoy building relationships with the animal community.... With Non-Profit Rescue Groups and Shelters we offer Free Introduction Seminars to their Staff/Employees and offer Personalized Non-Profit Animal Rescue/Shelter Discount Coupons to help animals keep their new homes, in their first 30 or 60 days in their home. Over the years The Right Steps has donated time to Sacramento Animal Control to assist in raising funds for animals in need as well as volunteered at the Sacramento County Shelther once upon a time. As well as writing Articles for Rescue Group Newsletters.
Published 2016: Cindy C. Smith, CNWI was honored to be ask to write a K9 Nose Work Article by our Englsh Shepherd Club, to be included and published in their new English Shepherd's Full Color Book - "English Shepherds at Work - Stories, Advice, & Training Tips" - 4 Pages with her photos - Pages 56, 57, 58, & 59. As was Judy Gamet from Dogs Can Dance who until December 2017 taught Free Style Doggy Dancing at The Right Steps on Monday Evenings - 3 Pages and photos - Pages 63, 64, & 65.
Sole Board & Training Trainer: Cindy also had experience with Board & Train Training as the sole Trainer at Greenback Pet Resort/Larry Harris for 2+ years, utilizing only positive training methods. In the past we were a Trainer for the Folsom Community Dog Training Classes. Many years ago we were in the Petco Dog Training Program and Assisted with their Classes.
Vendor Events: We also participate by having Vendor Booths at local Dog Events to assist in raising funds for good animal causes (examples: Roclklin WoofStock & El Dorado Hills Woofstock, K9 Cancer Walks in Elk Grove, & Local Veterinarian Offices Events to name only a few).
Veterinarian Office Support: The Right Steps works with Veterinarian Offices in the Sacramento County, El Dorado County, and Placer County to give Free Introductory Seminars for their staff on Puppy and Dog Behavior and safe handling. Also, have been invited to attend and speak to Clients at Special Veterinarian Office Events.
Customer Service Background: Cindy had 16 years in the Customer Service Professional Industry of Banking (Teller, Merchant Teller, Customer Service Representative in 24hour Phone Bank and in Branches, Executive Office Business Phone Bank Representative, and Loan Officer) which all provided her with a solid foundation in Customer Service skills (how to relate to people and provide a quality experience). On the Animal side of the business Cindy has trained animals (dogs, horses, cats) for friends, family, colleagues, and Clients combined for many years (over 20+ years!).
Making the change to Positive Animal Trainging Methods - Leaving Old School Traditional Training Methods Behind: Cindy's first horse Trainer, Jackie Moore, introduced us to positive horse and dog/cat training methods in the early 90s. Then in approximately 1994 Cindy was introduced to the John Lyons Positive Training Methods of Horse Training and a beautiful new world was opened for her! From there she applied those same positive methods to dog training with fantastic results! Training based on respect, relationship bonds, and rewards versus cowboying, corrections, and painful/scary punishment. From there she has never looked back and would never go back. Our goal is to pass on to our students what we have learned over many years and teach students the ability to love and enjoy our relationships with our pets.
Trainer Overview/History: Over the years Cindy has worked personally with a variety and many Professional Dog/Animal Trainers (including Trish King at the Marine Humane, approximately one lesson every 3-4 weeks for well over a year with one of her personal reactive dogs) and Horse Trainers (including Ed Thornton, a triple select certified John Lyon's Trainer) to further her education on animal behavior and training methods with her own animals. She has attended Horse Husbandry and Stable Management Classes at Sierra Jr. College. As well as attending educational seminars both locally (Nicole Wilde Fear Seminar) and out of the area (many at the Marine Humane Society in Novato, Napa, Davis/Dixon, U.C. Davis Behavior Department Seminars), K9 Nose Work Seminars/Workshops (Continuing Education), and Ken Ramirez 2 Day Seminar (Back to the Foundation of Dog/Animal Training - Animal and Human Clients). Our desire to learn more never ends, we always want to learn more!
Practical Experience: Hands on Experience Training Cats, Dogs, Horses, and People in the last 25+ years.... Easily Thousands + between Teaching/Instructing both Private Training, Group Classes, my own animals (Cats, Dogs, and Horses), volunteering, Guest Lecture, as well as Friends and Family.
Continued Training/Education Never Ends: Cindy continues her education by annually attending educational Seminars and Clinics given by other Trainers and Behaviorist (here locally, at the Marine Humane in Novato, and at U.C. Davis Behavior Department, to name a few), along with maintaining her CNWI Title by meeting annual continued education credits (attending K9 Nose Work Approved Events). We keep up to date on current scientific and human training methods through reading materials (books, magazines, and newsletters), DVDs, online material, and seminars on DVD (we have an huge library both in magazines, news letters, books, and DVDs 'from the older material to the most recent and up to date material'). If we cannot attend a Seminar due to to our own training schedule, we purchase it and watch it at home on DVD. We also focus on continuing our education in the sport of K9 Nose Work (Ongoing Seminars offered by our Founders) and Agility (a 2 Day Jo Sermon Seminar). Our goal is to stay up to date on the latest positive training techniques and tools, as well as working to continue to understand dogs, their body language, and mental state.
Ongoing Personal Lessons/Training for Cindy & her Dogs: Cindy and her dogs also take ongoing lessons weekly (both Group Classes and Private Training), on a regular basis, with other Professional Positive Trainers for both Competitive Agility and K9 Nose Work. She and her dogs always look forward to the opportunity to trial in both Agility and K9 Nose Work as time allows, each and every opportunity possible is fit in around her business working schedule.
Over the years Cindy has taken lessons with her dogs in agility, rally, herding, and working on reactivity/behavior issues and with horses lessons on western pleasure, halter, reining, cutting, and trail to name a few. Each lesson gives her the opportunity to not only have something fun to do with her animals, but keeps in mind every Trainer has something valuable to offer. Training is always kept fun and used as quality bonding time, but is taken seriously as well. Along with training, there is lots of time for fun and play daily for quality fun bonding time! Cindy loves clicker training and playing with her cats, walking, riding horses, photography, and art as well. For proper relaxation and breathing techniques she has taken Aikido Lessons and Gentle Yoga. Her goal is to focus on continuing to learn and grow both as an Animal Trainer and as an Instructor of Animal and Human Students.
Business Officially Opened: She and her husband officially opened their Business as "Cindy C. Smith Horse & Dog Training" in 2003, then in 2004 became the owner of The Right Steps. With every difference we make in a puppy or dog and/or their family's life, it is an exciting and highly rewarding experience, each and every time! Also, for approximately 1-2 years temporarily added in offering Professional Pet Sitting (Bonded and Insured).
True Small Business - A Personal Touch: Dog Training is not just a business to us, as it is what we truly love and enjoy doing. Cindy enjoys working with both her dog and human students equally. Quality customer service and providing a great experience is important to us. We are a true small business and wish to continue to succeed for many years to come.
Licensed/Bonded/Insured/CA Seller's Permit: 2003/4 to 2024 as The Right Steps - Had a current Sacramento, CA Business License, a CA Sellers Permit, and Professional Dog Training Insurance. Prior held a Sacramento, CA Business License for Cindy C. Smith Horse & Dog Training.
Official Approved Montana State Business License as of: November 2024 - The Right Steps & Fully Insured
We Are Referred By: Veterinarians, Pet Professionals, Pet Therapy Groups (examples: Delta and Sutter Paws on Call), Animal Rescue Groups, Shelters, Breeders, Trainers, Our Clients, Friends, and Family. Client Testimonial Page
Areas We Cover: Through October 2024 we covered Sacramento, El Dorado, & Placer Counties. Early November 2024 we moved to Florence Montana and will cover Florence and the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
Photography: Both Cindy & Lee love photography. We are excited to be in Montana and look forward to photographing it's natural beauty!
Our Family: On a personal note the Cindy C. & W. Leland Smith Family animals consist currently of two English Shepherd Dogs. Sadly before moving to Montana we lost 2 Dogs and 2 Cats in a year's time frame suddenly, taking us from 6 Beloved Pets down to 2. Are remaining 2 Dogs are a very important and active part of our family and daily lives. We take the time daily to practice what we teach/preach, to insure our animals are well trained, and receive plenty of proper physical and mental exercise daily. We also spend lots of quality and fun bonding time with our dogs and cats, in turn our animals enjoy spending time with us, whether it be working or just hanging out around the house keeping us company. All of our pets are Clicker Trained.
Photos & Acheivments so far to date....
Morgan Achieved Titles: NACSW K9NW ORT Title, NW1, NW2 (Pronounced Ribbon), NW3E, NW3I, NW3V, NW3C, 1 NW3 (1st Place Overall), 1 NW3Q (need 2 to Title), L1C, L1E, & L1V Titles in K9 Nose Work, AKC JWW Novice B & Open Titles and AKC Novice B Standard Title, has 2 Qs in Open Standard (need 3 to Title), has 1 Q in Execellent JWW (need 3 to Title) in Agility, has been introduced to sheep/goat herding. Demo Dog for the Business. (Retired from Agility to do Injury) 2012 to Current
Cooper Achieved Titles: NACSW ORT Title, NW1 Title, L1I Title, & L2I Title. Agility in Training (has all Contacts & Full Set of 12 Weave Poles Achieved. Demo Dog for my Business. 2020 to Current
Shadow Achieved Titles: 2 Years Registered Pet Partners Pet Therapy Dog, NACSW K9NW NW1, ORT Title, NW2, L1I, L1C, & L1V Titles & 1 Q towards his L2I, has been introduced to sheep/goat herding. Demo Dog for the Business and Puppy Socializer Abassador. Deceased: 2012 to 2023
Gypsy Achieved Titles: AKC Canine Good Citizen, NACSW K9NW NW1, NW2, 1st NW3, 2nd NW3 (& 2nd Place Overall), NW3V, NW3E, NW3C, NW3I, L1C, L2C, L1E, L2E, L1I, L2I, L1V Titles in K9 Nose Work., AKC JWW Novice A and JWW Novice P Titles in Agility (Retired from Agility to do Injury), has been introduced to sheep/herding. Demo Dog for the Business. Deceased: 2007 to 2022
Nick & Nora: Brother/Sister Ragdoll Mix Cats: Clicker Trained for Fun Tricks. Deceased: 2009 to 2022 & 2009 to 2023
Duke Acheived: Passed Herding Instinct Test High. Retired from K9 Nose Work, Agility, & Rally due to painful joint disease (Immune Mediated Polyauthritis). Deceased: 2006 to 2013.
Jazz Acheived: Canine Good Citizen, K9 Nose Work, and Demo Dog for the Business. Deceased: 2000 to 2012.
Llea (Horse): APHA - Retired due to suspensory leg injury. Was - Demo/Lesson Horse for the Business. Western - Competed and/or for fun: Halter, Trail, Pleasure, Reining, Western Horsemanship. Trail Riding and Arena Work for fun. Prior Horse - Cassie - Appy - Cutting, Working Cow Horse, and Trail Riding for Fun.
Photos of the Smith Family Animals (Current and Past)....
In Loving Memory: "Gypsy" "Morgan"
In Loving Memory: "Shadow"
In Loving Memory - Gypsy
In Loving Memory - Shadow
Morgan, Shadow, & Gypsy
In Loving Memory - Nick & Nora
Cindy & Lee 2006
In Loving Memory: Duke (Tri- Colored English Shepherd) & Jazz (Malinois x GSD)
Gypsy Duke
Originally: Cindy C. Smith Horse & Dog Training before becoming The Right Steps....
In Loving Memory.... Deceased....
Lexi Buddy & Tigger
Alex & Jazz Duke
Duke & Jazz Duke
No Photos Available - In Loving Memory: Taco our Doberman, Troubles, Christmas & Tigger - Our Cats, & Ima Cassidy (Cassie) my Appaloosa Mare.
Childhood Pets: Fond Memories of all Childhood Best Friends - Dogs & Cats
Previously an Authorized FitPaws Dealer